
In year admissions



Applying for a place at our school during the school year (In-Year Admissions)

In Year Admissions are admissions to schools which take place outside the normal admissions rounds.

If you are new to the area and require a school place or if you already reside in the area and you want to move your child from their current local school to our school, your application should be made directly to our school and we will advise if there are places available. Applying for a place with us

To apply for a place, please complete our In-Year Admissions form and return it to

If you have any questions in relation to in-year admissions, please contact Miss Sarah Nicholson either by email at or by telephone at 01253 733192

Your application will be acknowledged upon receipt, and we will advise you of the outcome within a maximum of 15 school days.

Where places are available but we have more applications than places, the published oversubscription criteria will be applied, to ensure the correct child/children are offered the places.

Further information on how to apply for a local school can be found on the Lancashire County Council website:

If there are no places available, then you have the right of appeal, please click on the following link


If you would like to appeal for a place at Lytham St Annes High School, please click on the link below: