Welcome to the PE Department

PE Department

Mrs K. Harrison

Head of PE

Mr A. Fenwick

Teacher of PE - Head of KS4 & OCR

Mr A. Schultz

Teacher of PE - KS3 Engagement Coordinator

Miss L. Gibbons

Teacher of PE

Mrs C. Lloyd

Teacher of PE

Mrs T. Hallam

Teacher of PE and School SENCO

Miss H. Whitehead

Teacher of PE & Art

Miss Y. Torres

Teacher of PE & Art

Mr A. Lanigan

Teacher of PE & Geography

Mr L. Stephens

PE Technician


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For more information about what goes on in our department, visit our PE Instagram @LSA_PE

PE - Vision and Purpose


Please note the curriculum section of our website is under review and the information below may be subject to change. 

PE Curriculum

Key Stage 4 Courses

OCR Sports studies

Year 10 - Students will take part in 2 hours per fortnight for Core PE of the following activities:

Hockey, Fitness, Badminton, Football, Rugby, Tennis, Cricket, Netball, Hockey, Badminton, Volleyball, Rounders and Outdoor and Adventurous Activities.

Year 11 - Students will take part in 2 hours per fortnight for Core PE and are allowed to opt from the following activities:

Fitness, Power walking, Football, Netball, Multi games, Cricket, Rounders, Softball, Basketball, Badminton, Hockey, Trampolining.


PE Dept policy for students excused from PE lessons:

  • Students must bring note from home explaining the reason for not participating. This must be given to the teacher at the beginning of the lesson.  Please ensure the letter is dated and signed.
  • Students must still bring their PE kit when excused from PE due to illness or injury*
  • When students are going to be excused for a long period of time due to medical reasons a doctors note must be supplied. 

*Depending on the injury/illness students can sometimes still be included in the lesson through the role of a coach, umpire, or leader and in some cases for example fitness it may be that we plan for exercises that work round the injured body part.  During bad weather it is important that students change into PE kit, this is so they have a warm dry uniform to change into at the end of the lesson, we do not want injured or ill students to be sat in lessons in wet or damp uniform for the rest of the day.

PE Extra-curricular