What time does school start?
Students will arrive and all period 1 teachers will be in the classroom from 8:20am, ready for period 1 to start at 8:40am. See our school day schedule here.
Does LSA allow holidays during term time?
No. Holidays during term time will NOT be authorised.
How many lessons has my child missed if they have 90% attendance?
100 lessons which is equal to 4 weeks of school. This will impact on a student's attainment at, and enjoyment of, school. Students should aim for at least 95% attendance or above.
Can I check my child’s attendance?
Attendance and punctuality can be checked on the MyEd school app and can be seen on school reports.
I am struggling to ensure my child attends school and is punctual, what should I do?

It is a parent/carer’s legal responsibility to ensure that their child receives a full time education, this not only means regular and punctual attendance but that the child attends fit and ready to learn.

Parents should liaise with the school via form tutor, Head of Year and the attendance team if this becomes a struggle. The school will then provide support, information and guidance where this is reasonably possible.

You can ring the school’s discrete attendance line on 01253 667411. Parents/carers are asked to ring or message through the MyED app before 9am on the first and each day of absence.

If the school has not been notified of a student’s absence, parents will be notified by text message. It is important the school has an up to date mobile number for this purpose.

Attendance and Safeguarding team

Mr N Cross

Mr N Cross

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs L Zammit

Mrs L Zammit

Deputy DSL/ Student Inclusion
Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mr T Long

Designated Teacher for Looked After Children

Mrs G McGreehin

Mrs G McGreehin

Inclusion Leader/ DSL
Deputy Safeguarding Officer

Mrs C Kitchener

Mrs C Kitchener

Attendance and Student Inclusion Officer

Mrs M Fish

Mrs M Fish

Attendance and Student Inclusion Officer

Mrs A Otter

Mrs A Otter

Attendance and Student Inclusion Officer

Miss A. Woolley

Student Inclusion Receptionist

Miss A. Cullen

Pastoral Manager/ DSL

If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.