7 March 2023
We're excited to announce that artwork from years 9, 10 and 11 has been selected and is currently being showcased in a prestigious art exhibition entitled "A Celebration of Art."
The exhibition is being hosted by Lytham Heritage Centre, and is open to the public, features the works of many talented artists. The selected student's artwork was chosen from a pool of submissions and is being recognized for its exceptional creativity and technical skill.
The students, who have been studying art at our school for several years, were thrilled to learn that their work had been chosen for the exhibition. They expressed gratitude to their art teachers and to the school for providing them with the tools and encouragement to pursue their passion.
The exhibition "A Celebration of Art" is a wonderful opportunity for our school to showcase the exceptional talent of our students and to promote the importance of art education. We're incredibly proud of our student's achievements and encourage everyone to visit the exhibition to see their artwork and the works of other talented artists.
See below for some examples of the work: