22 August 2013
The results will be available on Thursday, 22nd August 2013, in the Library at the following times:
Year 11 : 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Sixth Form Enrolment
Thursday 22nd August from 9am-2pm in the assembly hall or Friday 23rd August 9am-2pm in the Sixth Form Common Room.
If you are unable to attend you can still enrol by contacting the Sixth Form office on 667404 to arrange an appointment prior to induction. Y12 induction will begin on Friday 6th September at 8.45am.
Year 10 : 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
If students are unable to come into college to collect their results, or want to receive your results by post, they MUST bring a stamped addressed envelope to the Exams Office no later than Friday, 19th July 2013. Alternatively, if they would like someone to collect results on their behalf, they must give them a letter of authorisation.
Results will not be given over the telephone under any circumstances.